Olympic Weightlifting Workshop

improving in OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING & Preventing injuries

This workshop is for weightlifters, crossfit or other enthusiast athlete wishing to improve technical proficiency of the lifts and overall athletic performance. 

In this workshop I am trying to share a unique combination of knowledge and experience gained from being a physiotherapist focusing on problematics in olympic weightlifting, coach and athlete myself.


  • Lifters | Athletes of all levels looking to maximize their knowledge about body work related to olympic weightlifting

  • Coaches that wish to help their lifters | clients

  • Therapists that wish to help their athlete-patients


  • Previous experience with the olympic style lifting along with an understanding of basic weightlifting terminology


  • Participants should be prepared for an active day of practical work separated by brief lectures

Galery from past workshops


Level one

Its content is suitable for new beginner to intermediate level athlete, no previous knowledge is required.

Theory – in form of PowerPoint presentation

  • Recognize, diagnose and correct technique errors

  • Technical details of the lifts

Mobility - practical

  • Tests for mobility, coordination and strength (whole body)

  • Weightlifting-specific mobility Example

  Lifting – practical

  • Snatch, Clean & Jerk

  • Assistance exercises for movement progressions in snatch and clean & jerk


Its content fits better for skilled lifters, trainers and therapists. It is a natural follow up for LEVEL ONE.

One day event

Theory –PowerPoint presentation

  • Anatomical connections

  • Spine, breathing, core stability under lifting

Screening – practical

  • Testing of movement patterns and fixing

Lifting – practical

  • Snatch

  • Assistance exercises for movement progressions in snatch

  • Clean & Jerk

  • Assistance exercises for movement progressions in clean & jerk

Participants will perform the snatch and clean & jerk and receive feedback and corrections throughout the workshop.

 Video From training camps with Latvian & Norwegian Teams

Olympiatoppen Oslo, Norway

A weekend capture of national olympic weightlifting teams of Norway and Latvia training together at Olympiatoppen, Oslo.

Featuring: Latvia : Rebeka Koha, Artūrs Plēsnieks, Ritvars Suharevs. Trainer: Eduard Andruskevics

Norway: Daniel Rosness Strand, Sandra Trædal, Jantsen Øverås, Ine Andersson, Sebastian Farmen, Tore Gjøringbø, Marit Årdalsbakke.

Lubomir KAfonek

Education / Work Experience

  • BSc in Physiotherapy, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

  • MSc in Exercise Physiology and Sport Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

  • 2 years of training with Czech National Team of Olympic Weightlifting

  • Crossfit Trondheim: Teaching Olympic Weightlifting, Mobility Classes, Rehabilitation

  • Trondheim Athlete Club (TAK), Norway, Assistant of coach, coach, teaching classes and workshops for Olympic weightlifters

  • Since 2012 I run my own company called Kinesthetic Skills, where I offer physical therapy and a number of different workshops. The movement patterns analysis, mobility, movement awareness and performance improvement are some of the main focuses in my work with athletes.

  • Cooperation with Norwegian and Latvian youth national teams of Olympic Weightlifting (designing mobility tests, movement patterns testing, rehabilitation) 

  • Seminars and classes for clubs in Norway, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Asia, US, Mexico

  • Treating of countless olympic weightlifting athletes, powerlifting athletes and crossfiters

See my YouTube channel for some ideas on improving mobility and olympic weightlifting.


Marianne Nervik, January 26, 2016
Thank you very much for a great and knowledgeable workshop in Haugesund. I really got to know my bodies weaknesses – and you have given me the tools to work with it and fix it! I have already improved my technique in back squat. Great teaching, you really have passion in what you do! I recommend this for everyone who cares about their bodies and still want to have normal function when they get older. Can’t wait to see you at the next workshop!

CrossFit Haugesund ved Rune Hummelsund, January 26, 2016
Lubomir besøkte oss 23-24 jan. 2016. Det var en fantastisk lærerik og givende helg. Alle deltakerne var meget fornøyde og lærte en masse nyttige ting om seg selv og kroppen samt muligheter til å å bli enda bedre. Lubomir forklarer meget godt og følger alle nøye opp. Dette kurset er for både utrente og trente, for de med mindre erfaring og mye erfaring. Kurset passer absolutt alle. Dette er det beste kurset vi har tilbudt våre medlemmer og trenere. Anbefales på det sterkeste.
Vi gleder oss allerede til nye kurs med Lubomir. Mvh Rune Hummelsund

Henny Marie SætranJanuary 25, 2016
Tusen takk for en innholdsrik og lærerik helg!
Jeg har vært på flere lignende workshops, men dette var i øverste klasse. Man trenger ikke å kunne mye på forhånd. Alt blir godt forklart.
Jeg deltok på to-dagerskurset og anbefaler dette på det varmeste.

Amanda Tonna, September 21, 2015
Hi Lubo,
the body is amazing .. .and you showed us many amazing ways how to use it this weekend.
I would suggest this course to everyone!!!

Dag Rønnevik (Tysvær Vektløfterklubb), August 24, 2015
Veldig bra Workshop!!
Samtlige deltakere på kurset hadde nytte av kurset. Absolutt alle har gitt positive tilbakemeldinger og det skal det mye til for å få med tanke å hvor forskjellig utgangspunktene var. (Alt fra ungdom til veteran.)
En hver klubb som ønsker fremgang og lite skader bør absolutt ta dette kurset. For å bli best må en ha minst mulig skader slik at en får kontinuitet i treninga. Her er fasiten.

Heine Børgesen,August 23, 2015
Pure gold and immediately useful! I really got to know my deficeincies and how to correct them.
I know now what i have to work on in the long run and also some nuggets and pearls for my next PR attempt
Thanx ALOT!
Best regards,
Heine Børgesen

Christer Hagerup Nilssen, June 7, 2015
Takk Lubomír Kafoněk for en fin dag, og takk til dere som var med i dag:-)
Da har vi hatt 2 timer m teori på olympisk vektløfting.
2 timer med mobility issues og tiltak praksis.
2 timer med div løft praksis
Kjempenyttig alt i hop. Mye aha innen mobilitet, og mekanikker.
Du kommer til å bli stor

Jon Erlend Gustad June 7, 2015
Really interesting seminar with both theory and practice. Really liked the mobility part. Learned a lot and got increased motivation.

Tonje Juberg May 6, 2015 at 8:15 pm
I have only been training oly for some months, so this seminar helped me a lot for my further training. I am overwhelmed by all of Lubomirs knowledge, not only in olympic lifting, but theory and practice overall. I will also take many of his mobility drills in good use. I left really inspired and eager to get home and get better at it. Thank you Lubomir for such a fascinating course!

Kristian Lundstad Stavik May 5, 2015
This was absolutely something I will use to my customers and for my own training. Fantastic seminar ! Mobility and coordination from a different aspect combined with olympic weightlifting. I have been to 3 of your seminars now and I learn something new all the time. That says quite a lot about Lubomir ! Many details I haven't thought about . You got huge amount of knowledge in weightlifting . Thank you !

Sarah Mackenzie May 4, 2015
Thank you Lubomir for such an interesting and insightful course this weekend. It was fascinating! I am left challenging my own current approach to weightlifting with increased self/body awareness as well as more technical confidence (a better understanding of what makes a lift successful….or not). A delightful combination of “I not as bad as I thought” yet “there is still plenty to learn.” Im sure your advice and coaching cues are definitely going to result in more kgs on the bar.
Your enthusiasm and passion for human movement was clear for all to see and I would encourage anyone with an interest in weightlifting (athlete, cross fit, novice etc) to seek out Lubomir expertise. This guy is a master in his field with a diverse range of skills, a solid foundation of experience and education….and most importantly, a genuinely nice person with a good coaching eye. Highly recommended.