Better Movement Workshop

-Improving Movement and Preventing Injury-

We should understand how our bodies move, what our tendencies and patterns are.

Are we strong or are we weak? Are we lacking mobility? And most importantly how can we diagnose those things and address them?

Quality of movement is crucial in order to perform to your full potential whether you are an athlete, yogi, martial artist or a weekend warrior.

This full day hands-on workshop is designed to give you an understanding of how to improve your movements.

Workshop content

The “Better Movement” Workshop is filled with useful exercises, mobilisations, playful routines and techniques with self-care tools you can use for every major joint in human body with the aim to:

  • Improve physical function and performance

  • Promote general well-being

  • Increase body awareness

  • Widen movement repertoire

  • Improve the most common movements seen in athletics

  • Manage injuries

  • Increase training longevity

Do you specialize in one area?

Then you should be aware of the pros/cons and possible compensations!


One day event, whole body work ( 9:00-16:00, 6hours total)

Neck + Shoulder + Arm (9:00-11:00),

  • Mobility screening (testing range of motion, strength, coordination)

  • Identifying movement limitations and asymmetries

  • Exercises to restore movement patterns, build strength and stability

>Tips and tricks for your training, overhead athlete, yogi, sedentary lifestyle, shoulder instability

Back (spine)+ Hip (11:30-13:30)

  • Mobility screening

  • Spine + Hip mechanics testing

  • Core activation and spine protection strategies, breathing

  • Exercises to restore proper movement and build strength (based on developmental kinesiology)

> Advices for deadlift, squat, pull-up, rowing, arching, lower back pain prevention and management, sitting

Knee-Getting Squat, Ankle & Foot (14:00- 16:00)

  • Mobility screening (Knee, Ankle & Foot mechanics)

  • Knee joint evaluation and preparation for Squat

  • Squat techniques with progressions

  • Ankle & Foot, mobilization techniques, range of motion progressions

> Tips for runners, lifters, knee injury management, anatomical relations

Each part lasts 2 hours with a place for discussions and questions at the end.


  • Trainers and therapists that wish to help their student, patients

  • Athletes of all levels

  • Practitioner of any kind of movement activity

  • Anyone interested in body work

  • Post injury patients

  • Weekend warriors

Lets discover how to approach YOUR body!

I will answer any questions you have along the way and educate you on interesting facts about your body (no dogmas)!

When was it last time you did some compensation for your hips after many hours of sitting or squatting or biking?

The quality of a movement, its range, strength and control of it are the basic stones used in this workshop.

The techniques, movements and concepts used in the workshop are gathered from different arenas like martial arts, gymnastics, yoga, olympic weightlifting, dance and physiotherapy.

Rather to see the differences between various fields and movement practices, I’m trying to find common links between them.



  • BSc in Physiotherapy, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

  • MSc in Exercise Physiology and Sport Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

  • 2 years of training with Czech National Team of Olympic Weightlifting

  • Crossfit Trondheim: Teaching Olympic Weightlifting, Mobility Classes, Rehabilitation

  • Trondheim Athlete Club (TAK), Norway, Assistant of coach, coach, teaching classes and workshops for Olympic weightlifters

  • Since 2012 I run my own company called Kinesthetic Skills, where I offer physical therapy and a number of different workshops. The movement patterns analysis, mobility, movement awareness and performance improvement are some of the main focuses in my work with athletes.

  • For the past 3 years I have been in cooperation with Norwegian and Latvian youth national teams of Olympic Weightlifting (designing mobility tests, movement patterns testing, rehabilitation) at Olympiatoppen, Oslo.

  • Seminars and classes for clubs in Norway, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Asia, US, Mexico

  • Treating of countless olympic weightlifting athletes, powerlifting athletes and crossfiters